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My Live Ltj Pics

this is what heppend on our way and at the ltj gig at the barowlands 25/5/04 =) it was kick ass thats all i vcan say !

Less Than Jake At The Gig

This is us on our way to the gig were at blantyre train stashion waiting for the train !

Less Than Jake At The Gig

Guess who we see at the station lmao lmao its courtney n her brother !

Less Than Jake At The Gig

The conductor tryed to take our money off us and casue were all cheep "everyone knows" we asked her to take a pic of us and she forgot to ask us for train fair WOO HOO lol

Less Than Jake At The Gig

When we finnaly get to the gig we are waiting for the bands to play someone took a pic of us donno who but thanks ! =D

Less Than Jake At The Gig

LTJ hit the stage woo hoo ! =)

Less Than Jake At The Gig

When les than jake hit the stage the bonsers becouse mean =( lol

Less Than Jake At The Gig

Woo hoo ltj again =)

Less Than Jake At The Gig

Everyone waiting for the band !

LessThan Jake At The Gig



Me jed n coral n frazer went into asda and jed tryed on some lovly george clothing very nice jed lolol this is just a random pic btw nothin to do wiht ltj =)